Our Specialties Include...

Why Work with a Recruiter?

How much time do you spend grinding away trying to find talent or sifting through thousands of un-qualified applicants? If your hiring needs are infrequent, having a dedicated recruiter on staff can be expensive. If you’re regularly hiring, extra hands make a world of difference in getting great talent faster or engaging candidates who aren’t actively applying, especially when you don’t have to pay for additional salaries and software licenses on recruitment tools. Yes, recruitment agencies cost money, but you’ll end up saving money in the long run. 

Recruitment agencies are often specialized for certain types of candidates and/or industries. Internal recruiters often struggle or seek assistance with niche roles. Having access to those networks often means finding the right person quickly. 

Recruiters have their fingers on the pulse of the candidate market every day. They are aware of trends in your local market that you may never realize otherwise. Layoffs down the street could mean incredible talent is fresh on the market in your area. Meetup groups based on specific interests or skill-sets may have upcoming events that lead to great networking opportunities. 

What Makes TekGarden Awesome?

We hear all the time about how companies hate working with recruiters who don’t understand their business needs, and blast them with unqualified candidates who haven’t been appropriately screened. We strive to blow those recruiters out of the water every day! Here’s what makes partnering with TekGarden a dream come true.

We take the time to get to know the clients & candidates we work with. Yes, this does mean you’re going to spend more time with us on the phone initially as we understand your business better, but a qualified candidate might not always be the best culture fit for your organization and “company culture” is frequently on the top of the list for most job seekers. We try to find harmony so your team is fortified by your new team member. 

We love our markets! Lauren lives in the Asheville, NC area and Kimberly in the Metro Atlanta area. We focus on local companies so we can hone out networks, meet our business partners face-to-face, and walk our new hires into their first day of work with a hot box of doughnuts! We strongly believe in supporting our local markets and are proud to serve the areas we call home.

We’re picky about our clients because we love what they’re doing and advocate their businesses to our candidates. By the time they get to you, they should be well versed on what you’re grand plan is and why you’re an incredible employer! We view ourselves as business partners and are deeply invested in the growth an success of your company. 

We’ll never be the recruiters that send you the most candidates, but we’ll send you the best one’s we could find! Our submittal-to-hire rates are the best in the industry because we don’t send every candidate that applies to a job posting. 

Free Consultation

Drop us a line to discuss your hiring needs! Consultation is always free and we’ll always prefer to come out and meet you in person to check out your organization to understand your needs to the fullest extent!